
On the 5th of July 2018, the Government of Republic of Indonesia enacted the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 38 of 2018 on Electric Power Accreditation and Certification Procedures (“Permen ESDM No. 38/2018”). This regulation repealed the previous regulation by ESDM No. 5/2014 on Electric Power Accreditation and Certification Procedures as last amended by Permen ESDM No. 10/2016 that is considered no longer in accordance with the development and the needs of accreditation and certification in the electric power sector.

Therefore, the discussion below will focus on the provision amendments regarding the procedures for electricity accreditation and certification under Permen ESDM No. 38/2018.

Regulation Scope

Pursuant to Permen ESDM No. 38/2018, the scope of electricity accreditation and certification get broader which includes:

  • The electric power accreditation of the electricity support business services includes not only the Electricity Engineering Inspection Institution, the Low Voltage Engineering Inspection Institution, the Engineer Competency Certification Institution, and the Business Entity Certification Institution. It however also includes the Product Certification Institutions and the Assessor Competency Certification Institutions.

  • The electric power certification previously only covered the Electricity Installation Certification, the Engineer Competency Certification, and the Business Entity Certification. Currently, it expanded by adding the Certification of Low Voltage Electric Installation, the Assessors Competency Certification, and Product Certification.

The Online System

At some steps of the procedures for electric power accreditation and certification under Permen 38/2018, there are several online system implementation measures, i.e.:

  • For the purpose of the application, extension, and scope addition of Accreditation may be filed through an online system;

  • The application for Operation Worthiness Certificate along with the electrical connection by the owner of the utilization of low voltage electrical installation to the owner of electricity supply business license may be conducted through 1 (one) door online service;

  • To obtain The Operation Worthiness Certificate registration numbers, the accredited Electricity Engineering Inspection Institutions, the accredited Low Voltage Technical Inspection Accreditation Institutions, and the holders of electricity supply business licenses must submit an application through online registration system to the Director General;

  • To obtain the Competency Certificate (Engineer and Assessors) registration numbers, the accredited Technical Competency Certification Institution and the accredited Assessors Competency Certification Institutions must submit an application to the Director-General through the online system;

  • To obtain Business Entity Certificate registration numbers, the accredited Business Entity Certification Institutions must submit an application through the online system to the Director General;

  • To obtain the Product Certificate registration number, the Accredited Product Certification Institution must submit an application to the Director-General through the online system;

  • Each of the Technical Competency Certificate and Business Entity Certificate holder shall report their activities through the online system to the Director General;

  • The Electricity Engineering Inspection Institution appointed by the governor must submit a report on the implementation of the Electricity Installation Certification through the online system to the Director-General.

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The Required Documents of the Engineer Competency Certificate

To obtain an Engineer Competency Certificate, the applicant submits a written application to the accredited Engineering Competency Certification Institution, with the required documents, i.e.:

  • Curriculum Vitae;
  • The independent assessment or relevant training certificate;
  • The occupation position in accordance with the electric power sector qualification levels; and
  • A copy of Identity Card (KTP) for Indonesian citizen (WNI) or passports for foreign citizen (WNA).

Such request can be made by individual, business entity, the electricity power supply business license holder, the operation licenses holder, the electricity support services business licenses holder, the owners of the electricity utility installation, or government agency.

The Implementation of the Technical Personnel Competency Test

Pursuant to Permen ESDM 38/2018, regarding the implementation of the Engineer competency test, the written submission of the accredited Engineering Competency Certification Institution to the Director-General not only required the competency test schedule plans, the list of competency test participants, the list of competency test team members, and the competency testing place. However, it also need the submission of the list of tested competency unit in accordance with the occupation position of the electric power sector.

Certification Obligation for the Assessor

Permen ESDM No. 38/2018 requires the assessors to have the assessor competency certificates. The Assessor Competency Certificate is issued by the accredited Assessor Competency Certification Institution with the appropriate field based on the qualification level in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations in the electric power competency certification sector.

The Exceptions of the Business Institution Certification

In previous regulation, the exception of Business Entity Certification was given to the holder of the electricity support services business licenses only applied to the institutions in the Ministry that held education and training in the electric power sector and the Certification of Competency for Electricity Engineer. However, under Permen ESDM No. 38/2018 the exceptions are given to Government Institutions and Low Voltage Engineering Inspection Institution.

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In addition, the administrative requirements regarding the incorporation of a business entity are excluded for development services business and the installation of electricity supply and the installations of electric power utilization with small business qualifications.

The Regulation of the Electricity Support Service Business Qualification

Permen ESDM No. 38/2018 stipulates the qualifications of electricity power support services business which required having a Business Entity Certificates from the accredited Business Entity Certification Institutions, i.e., large business qualification, medium business qualification, and small businesses qualification.
The qualification of the electricity support services business is determined based on:

  • The level of business capacity
    To assess the paid-up capital and the value of 1 (one) job limit; and
  • Individual work skills
    To assess the classification of the fields, sub-fields, and/or specializations.

Dual Employment Prohibition

The Person in Charge of Engineering Matter and the Engineer in Business Entity certification are prohibited from holding dual employment under the fields with the same sub-field in other business entities.

To maintain the quality system of electricity certification, the Person in Charge of Engineering Matter of the certification institution is prohibited to become the operation worthiness test team or the competency test team which under his supervision.

Product Certification Regulation

Permen ESDM No. 38/2018 requires that every equipment and utility user of electricity to fulfill the reference requirements that governed by the Minister, in the form of affixing the SNI Signs and/or the Conformity Signs. The equipment product and the user of electricity can be affixed with the SNI Marks and/or the Conformity Signs after obtaining the approval concerning the usage of SNI Marks and/or Conformity Signs. The usage of SNI Marks and/or Conformity Signs is carried out in accordance with the status and validity period of the use of the SNI Marks and /or the Conformity Signs.

The Amendments of the Requirements to Obtain the Business Entity Certificate Registration Numbers

The Submission of registration application of Business Entity Certificate requires:

  • The administrative and technical requirements for certificate applications;
  • The report on the results of the Conformity of business classification and/or qualifications; and
  • The draft of a Business Entity Certificate that will be registered.

Hesa Adrian