
The Government of Republic of Indonesia enacted the Minister of Manpower Regulation Number 3 of 2019 on Amendment of Minister of Manpower Regulation Number 18 of 2017 on Procedures of Mandatory Report on Employment in System (“Manpower Regulation No. 3/2019”).

The Manpower Regulation No. 3/2019 changes several provisions on the procedures of mandatory report on employment (“WLK”), in order to integrate to the online single submission system (“OSS System”) as set out in the Government Regulation Number 24 of 2018.

Changes of WLK Procedures

The first report of WLK is conducted when the entrepreneur inserting data in the OSS System. The Business Identification Number (“NIB”) that is obtained by the entrepreneur from the OSS System is deemed as the report number of WLK.

The NIB shall prevail as the first reporting evidence of WLK that is conducted by the entreprenuer. The WLK report in the next period must be conducted by online system through The regular WLK report must be conducted in December every 1 year without any charge.

Sanctions on Violation of WLK

Under the Law Number 7 of 1981, the entrepreneur or the management is threatened with imprisonment at maximum 3 months or a maximum fine of Rp1,000,000 if they do not perform the obligation to annually report on employment in the company.

I Gusti Made Rajendra Nananjaya

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