
On 17 September 2019, the Government of Republic of Indonesia enacted the Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency Regulation No. 21/2019 on Land Base Map (“Permenagraria 21/2019”).

This regulation is enacted in order to (i) support the direction of national policy for changing the land registration system from negative publication system with positive elements into positive publication system, and (ii) enhance the legal certainty on land ownership.

The base land map is a map that contains thematic geospatial information, which is used as basis of land registration, spatial planning, and providing other thematic land maps, in the form of photo map/image and/or  line map from the result of terrestrial mapping method or photogrammetry method that uses aerial photography with a manned aircraft or an unmanned aircraft and satellite imagery, which is equipped with basic land information from the result of basic information survey activity.

Preparation of Base Land Map

The base land map is made based on the national geospatial reference system that can be in the form line map and photo map/image. For the base land map that is in the form of line map, the base land map consists of components as follows:

  1. geographic elements in vector format; and
  2. basic land information.

For the base land map that is in the form of photo map/image, the components of base land map consist of:

  1. aerial photography/image that has been enforced;
  2. geographic elements in vector format; and
  3. basic land information.

The base land map is made with the scale of:

  1. 1:10,000;
  2. 1:2,500;
  3. 1:1,000; and
  4. other scales as needed.
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The base land map must meet the following standards:

  1. accuracy of geometric maps.
  2. completeness and suitability of map attributes.

The base land map is prepared and implemented by:

  1. Directorate of Measurement and Mapping of Base Land Map at the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency;
  2. Regional Office of National Land Agency; and/or
  3. Land Office.

Utilization of Base Land Map

The base land map is utilized by the working unit in the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency, and other parties who need it.

The utilization by the working unit is used for:

  1. land registration;
  2. cadaster fit for purpose/land mapping with community participation;
  3. preparation of thematic map for a plot of land;
  4. preparation of other thematic maps; and/or
  5. preparation of detailed spatial planning.

The utilization of base land map by other parties must be conducted based on the prevailing laws and regulations.

Update of Base Land Map

The base land map can be updated minimum 1 (one) year from the preparation of base land map. The update of base land map must consider the following matters:

  1. regional dynamics;
  2. map scale;
  3. budget; or
  4. other consideration as necessary.

Muhammad Haris Fadillah