
Procedures on Submitting an Objection and Consignation of Compensation to District Court in Land Procurement for Public Interest Development

  Background Land procurement for the public interest development (“Land Procurement”) is an activity with an objective to acquire the land rights which will be allocated for public utilities, by giving the compensation to the land owner. The determination of...

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National Program of Agrarian

Introduction Regulation No. 4 is issued on 2015 by the Minister of Agrarian Affairs or the Head of the National Land Agency. This regulation is about the Agrarian National Program and also known as Permenag No. 4/2015. This regulation is issued in order to accelerate...

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Principles of Agrarian Law

Conflicts in relation to agrarian law occur a lot in Indonesia. Why does this happen? Is it because the legal instruments available are not sufficient for the people’s needs? Agrarian law in Indonesia is regulated under Law Number 5 Year 1960 concerning Agrarian...

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