Reforma Agraria

Reforma Agraria

Reforma agraria adalah penataan kembali struktur penguasaan, pemilikan, penggunaan dan pemanfaatan tanah melalui penataan aset dan penataan akses untuk kemakmuran rakyat Indonesia, yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah pusat dan pemerintah daerah (“Reforma Agraria”)....

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Agrarian Reform

Agrarian reform is a restructuring of the structure of control, ownership, use and utilization of land through asset and access arrangement for the prosperity of the Indonesian, conducted by the central and local government (“Agrarian Reform”). Under the President...

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Property Brokerage Company

Background On the 3rd of August 2017, the Government of Republic of Indonesia has enacted the Ministry of Trade Regulation No. 51/M-DAG/PER/7/2017 on Property Brokerage Company (“Permendag No. 51/2017”). This regulation has been made considering the fact that both...

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