Summary Regulation
Supervision of Import Order and Distribution License of Imported Medical Devices, In Vitro Medical Devices and Household Health Supplies

Supervision of Import Order and Distribution License of Imported Medical Devices, In Vitro Medical Devices and Household Health Supplies

On 9 January 2018, Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia has enacted the Regulation of Minister of Health No. 60 Year 2017 regarding supervision of import order of imported medical devices, in vitro medical devices and household health supplies (“RMH...

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Amendment of Government Regulation on Income Tax Facilities on Capital Investment of Particular Business Fields and/or in Particular Regions

Amendment of Government Regulation on Income Tax Facilities on Capital Investment of Particular Business Fields and/or in Particular Regions

Background On 22 April 2016, Government of the Republic of Indonesia has Government Regulation Number 9 of 2016 on Amendment of Government Regulation Number 18 of 2015 on Income Tax Facilities on Capital Investment of Particular Business Fields and/or in Particular...

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The Provision on the Use of Letter of Credit For the Export of Specified goods (Regulation of the Director General of International Trade Number 1 Year 2015)

The Provision on the Use of Letter of Credit For the Export of Specified goods (Regulation of the Director General of International Trade Number 1 Year 2015)

Background On March 30, 2015, Director General of International Trade has promulgated a Regulation of the Director General of International Trade Number 01/DAGLU/PER/3/2015, (“RDG Inter-Trade 1/2015”). RDG Inter-Trade 1/2015 intended to give instructions implementing...

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Creditor’s Voting Right under Government Regulation Number 10 of 2005 on the Calculation Number of Creditor’s Voting Right

Creditor’s Voting Right under Government Regulation Number 10 of 2005 on the Calculation Number of Creditor’s Voting Right

Background The creditor’s meeting is a meeting that shall be held after the bankruptcy decision. In this regard, under Article 87 of Law No. 37 of 2004 on Bankruptcy and Suspension of Obligation for Payment of Debts (“Bankruptcy Law”) regulates that all decisions of...

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Summary of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 20 of 2013 on Second Amendment to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resource Regulation No. 7 of 2012 on Added Value of Mineral Through Mineral Processing and Refinery

Summary of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 20 of 2013 on Second Amendment to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resource Regulation No. 7 of 2012 on Added Value of Mineral Through Mineral Processing and Refinery

In order to guarantee legal certainty in carrying out control over mineral sale to overseas and to implement Decision of Supreme Court No. 10P/HUM/12 dated September 12, 2012, it is necessary to re-amend the stipulations on mineral added value through processing and...

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