Shot of two colleagues using a laptop in a meeting at the office


In order to support the ease of business for entrepreneurs in the field of trade, the Minister of Trade enacted the Minister of Trade Regulation No. 08/M-DAG/Per/2/2017 on Second Amendment of Minister of Trade Regulation No. 37/M-DAG/PER/9/2007 on Implementation of Company Registration (“MOT Regulation 08/2017”).

Renewal of Company Registration Certificate

The company registration certificate is valid for 5 years from its issuance date, and must be renewed at the latest 3 months before the expiry date. For the renewal of company registration certificate, the company shall only need to file a notification letter to the Head of Company Registration Office located in the area of company (“KPP”) manually or electronically, by attaching the copy of old company registration certificate. The form of notification letter is attached in MOT Regulation No. 08/2017.

The Head of KPP issues the certificate at the latest 3 days from the receipt date of notification letter. If the certificate is not issued within the above-mentioned period, then the old company registration certificate will be considered valid and renewed.

The MOT Regulation No. 08/2017 emphasizes that there is no administrative fee for the renewal of company registration certificate. The MOT Regulation No. 08/2017 erased the provision of administrative fees as regulated before in the Minister of Trade Regulation No. 37/M-DAG/PER/9/2007.

Bryna Budiman