Referring to Law Number 4 of 1996 on Mortgage of Land along with Properties Related to the Land (“Law 4/96”), particularly Article 10 paragraph (1), it is stated that the granting of mortgage is preceded by a covenant to provide mortgage as the security for settlement of certain debts, which is set out in and as an integral part of the debt (loan) agreement concerned or other agreement which causees such debt. Mortgage is accessoir, which means that the granting of a mortgage should be a follow-up of the principal agreements i.e. agreement that gives rise a legal relation of such debt in which its settlement is secured. Therefore, it can be said that the existence of a mortgage is always agreed upon and follow (accessoir) the principal agreement.

Settlement of Certain Debt

According to Article 3 paragraph (1) of Law 4/96, the debts, in which its settlement can be secured are as follows:

  1. debt which is already existed at the time of the granting of the Mortgage;
  2. debt which has not yet been existed but has been agreed.


Furthermore, it is also regulated that the amount of the debt which its settlement is secured with the mortgage can be determined at the time agreed (agreed in the related agreement) or determined at the time of the execution petition is filed, under the debt (loan) agreement or other agreement that give rise to the related debt relation.

Article 3 paragraph (2) of Law 4/96 states that the mortgage can be encumbered upon a debt due to a legal relation or upon one or more debts due to several legal relations. Based on that, Rachmadi Usman, S, H., M.H. interprets that the granting of a mortgage is possible upon:

  1. several creditors who combine in providing loan to a debtor under a legal relation (loan agreement);
  2. several creditors who provide loan to a debtor under several and different legal relations (loan agreement) for each creditors.


Ivan Setiady