Under the Regulation of Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning/Head of National Land Agency No. 16 of 2017 on Development Guideline of Transit Oriented Area (“Minister Regulation 16/2017”), there are three stages for determining and stipulating the transit oriented development area (“TOD Area”), as follows:

    1. determination of potential location of TOD Area;
    2. determination of typology of TOD Area; and
    3. determination of location of TOD Area.

Determination of Potential Location of TOD Area
The determination of location of potential TOD Area is conducted by conducting the following assessments:

    1. assessment of the development of mass transportation system in regional and local scope, and supporting infrastructure;
    2. assessment of needs and direction of urban/municipal development, strategy for financing the development and other related policies;
    3. environmental assessment including land capability analysis, land suitability analysis, and vulnerability and disaster risk analysis;
    4. assessment on the supporting potency of area infrastructure;
    5. assessment on characteristics of the actual use of urban space/city area including the availability of space/land, land status, and licensing; and
    6. assessment on socio-economic conditions of the community.

Determination of Typology of TOD Area
The determination of typology of TOD Area is made based on the scale of mass transportation system services, development of service centers, and the developed activities. The typology of TOD Area consists of:

a. City TOD Area

Located in the regional scale service, or city area in the area of regency that is determined as center of activity. The city TOD Area shall be functioned as economic center of primary function

b. Sub-district TOD Area

Located in the sub-centers city services with service functions for city or city scale, or city area within the regency area designated as the center of activity. The sub-district TOD Area shall be functioned as economic center of secondary function.

c. Environment TOD Area

Located in the environmental service center within the city area, with an environmental service function, or city area within the regency area that is designated as the center of activity. The environment TOD Area shall be functioned as local economic center.

Determination of Location of TOD Area
The determination of TOD Area is stipulated in the regional regulation on province/regency/city spatial planning. The TOD Area shall be stipulated in detail in the detailed spatial plan and zonation regulation of regency/city area, by inserting the location and border of TOD Area.

Ivor Pasaribu