Mortgage (hak tanggungan) of land is a security right over right(s) of land, along with or without other properties that constitute a unity with such land, for the settlement of certain debts, which gives the preferred position to certain creditors against other creditors (“Mortgage”). In this regard, there are procedures for granting, registration and transfer of Mortgage as stipulated in Law Number 4 of 1996 on Mortgage of Land along with Properties Related to the Land (“Law 4/96”).
Granting of Mortgage
Granting of Mortgage is preceded by a promise or covenant to grant the Mortgage as the security of payment of certain debt, which is set out in and as an integral part of the related loan agreement or other agreements that cause such debt.
The granting of Mortgage is conducted by making the Deed of Granting of Mortgage by the Land Conveyancing Officer (“Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah/PPAT”) in accordance with the related prevailing laws and regulations. In the event that the object of the Mortgage is the right(s) of land which is derived from the conversion of the previous rights that have been eligible to be registered but the registration has not been done, the granting of Mortgage shall be conducted simultaneously with the application for the registration of such right(s) of land.
According to Article 11 of Law 4/96, a Deed of Granting of Mortgage must include:
name and identity of the holder and grantor of Mortgage;
domicile of the parties. If there are any party that is domiciled outside the territory of Indonesia, to such party, shall also be included a choice of domicile in the territory of Indonesia. In the case that the choice of domicile in the territory of Indonesia is not included, the territory of the Land Convenyancing Office where the Deed of Granting of Mortgage is made, is regarded as the chosen domicile;
the clear determination of the debt(s) which is secured by the Mortgage;
the value of the security;
clear description of the object of the Mortgage.
Registration of Granting of Mortgage
The granting of Mortgage shall be registered at the Land Office. PPAT shall deliver the Deed of Granting of Mortgage and the other warkah to the Land Office within a period not later than 7 (seven) business days after the signing date of such Deed of Granting of Mortgage. Registration of Mortgage is conducted by the local Land Office by making the land book of Mortgage and record it in the land book of such right of land (as the object of the Mortgage) and also copy such record into the certificate of right of land concerned.
As the evidence of the existence of the Mortgage, the Land Office will issue certificate of Mortgage in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations (“Certificate”). This Certificate has the equal executorial power with the court decision which has permanent legal enforcement. The Certificate shall be delivered to the holder of the Mortgage.
Isrilitha Pratami Puteri