The interest to live in the condominium tends to increase particularly to people who live in the big cities. According to Article 7 Law Number 16 Year 1985 on Condominium, it is stipulated that the condominium can only be constructed over land of Right to Own (Hak Milik), Right to Build (Hak Guna Bangunan), Right to Use (Hak Pakai) on State Land or Right to Manage (Hak Pengelolaan). In the event the developer is formed as business entity in the form of Limited Liability Company, the possible land title for this legal entity is the Right to Build. According to Decree of State Minister for Public Housing Affairs Number 11/KPTS/1994 on the Guidance on Conditional Sale and Purchase of Condominium (Pedoman Pengikatan Jual Beli Satuan Rumah Susun) states the developer shall obtain the following licenses:

  1. Principle License, means the license which must be owned by a person or legal entity that will utilize the space for large scale business;
  2. Location Permit from Regency or Municipal Land Office, for DKI Jakarta known as License of Land Appointment and Utilization (Surat Izin Penunjukkan dan Penggunaan Tanah / SIPPT). This license is given to a company in order to obtain the land for investment which is also valid as the license in relation to transfer of right, and to utilize the land for investment. This license is issued by the competent authorities for the land utilization in main route or for the land utilization of more than five thousand (5,000) m2. The developer has to obtain SIPPT prior to conducting the building construction;
  3. Building Construction Permit, means the license to construct. The Developer is responsible to obtain this license from the competent authorities. If the building does not have the building construction permit, it will be categorized as illegal building and the competent authorities have the right to seal and demolish it.
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After the developer completes the construction process, there are several steps that must be passed by the developer before the Certificate of Right to Own on Condominium (Sertifikat Hak Milik atas Satuan Rumah Susun) unit is issued:

  1. Detail of division (pertelaan), means boundaries designation for the condominium, common facility, common equipment and common land with the proportional comparative value in the form of picture and description. In brief, the process begins with the submission of application through National Land Agency to Governor, and followed by research by related institutions together with Head of National Land Agency. Based on the research report from related institutions, the Ratification Decision will be issued and ratified by the Governor for DKI Jakarta and Regional Government for other regions;
  2. Occupancy Worthiness Permit (Izin Layak Huni) means the license issued by Regional Government after investigating the condominium of which its construction is already finished based on the requirements and issued licenses. In the event these licenses have not been issued but the condominium unit is already sold or occupied, according to Law Number 16 Year 1985 on Condominium, there is criminal sanctions of 1 (one) year maximum or a fine of Rp 1,000,000.00 (one million rupiah) maximum;
  3. Deed of Separation of Condominium, this deed is a proof of the separation of condominium unit which includes common facility, common equipment and common land which is registered to the Land Agency which will be approved by the Governor. This deed is used as the basis to issue the Certificate of Right to Own Condominium Unit. According to Regulation of Head of the National Land Agency Number 2 Year 1989 on Form and Procedure and Registration of Deed of Separation of Condominium, it is stated that the Deed of Separation must be registered by the developer to Land Officer together with the Land Certificate and Occupancy Worthiness Permit;
  4. Issuance of Certificate of Right to Own of Condominium Unit, the basis of certificate issuance is the information provided in deed of separation which already approved by Regional Government. In general, this certificate consists of the copies of book of land of right to own of condominium unit, measurement letter of common land and blueprint of condominium unit which clearly shows the location of condominium unit and its detail of division (pertelaan) on the amount of common facility, common equipment and common land which constitute as an integral and inseparable part.
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Furthermore, according to Regulation of Head of the National Land Agency Number 4 Year 1989 on Form and Procedure for Book of Land and Issuance of Certificate of Right to Own of Condominium Unit, after the Certificate of Right to Own of Condominium Unit is issued, the land certificate must be deposited in the Land Office.

Jerry Shalmont