
This article is written based on the Regulation No. 1 of 2009 of Aviation and Minister of Transportation Decree No. 11 of 2010 of National Airport Arrangement.

Aviation Operational Safety Area (“KKOP”)

KKOP is part of the airport’s master plan, as stipulated by Minister of Transportation in determining the location. KKOP is made for the purpose of controlling of the height of growing objects and the building construction in airport, and its surrounding.

KKOP is the area of land and / or water and air space around the airports used for flight operations in order to ensure flight safety.

KKOP consists of:

  1. Approach and take off area, an extension area of both ends of the runway, below of the aircraft path after takeoff or landing, limited by a certain length and width;

  2. Accident-prone Area, some of the approach areas are directly in border to the ends of the runway and have a certain measurement, which may cause an accident;

  3. Area below of transition surface, field with a certain slope parallel to and a certain distance from the axis of the runway, at the bottom bounded by the intersection point with flat lines drawn perpendicular to the axis of the runway, and at the tip bounded by the intersection with the horizontal inner surface;

  4. Area below of inner-horizontal surface, a flat field on above and around airports that are limited by radius and heights of a certain measurement for the benefit of aircraft performing low flying at the time of landing or after takeoff;

  5. Area below of conical surface, a field of conical which the lower portion is bounded by the intersection line with the inner-horizontal and its upper part is limited by the intersection line with the outer-horizontal surface, each with a certain radius and height calculated from the specified reference dot;

  6. Area below of outer-horizontal surface, a flat field around airports that are limited by radius and heights of a certain measurement for the safety and efficiency of aviation operations, inter alia, when the aircraft approaches and movement after take-off or movement in case of failure in the landing.

Obligation to have Letter of KKOP Permission

Regulation No. 1 of 2009 of Aviation is prohibiting any person to create obstacles and / or conducting other activities in the KKOP, without permission from the airport authority. Referred to as obstacles include buildings, piles of land, piles of construction materials, or dug materials, whether temporary or permanent, including trees and buildings that have previously been established.

What is meant by “other activities” is related to playing kites, herding’s, using radio frequencies, crossing the runway, and activities that causes smoke.

Every person located in a certain area at the airport, without obtaining permission from the airport authority as referred to in Article 210 shall be liable to a maximum imprisonment of 1 (one) year or a maximum fine of Rp100,000,000.00 (one hundred million Rupiah).

Everyone that creates obstacles, and / or performing other activities in the KKOP that endangers the safety and security of the flight as referred to in Article 210 shall be liable to a maximum imprisonment of 3 (three) years and / or a maximum fine of Rp1,000,000,000, 00 (one billion Rupiah).

Construction Requirement in KKOP

To establish a new building within the approach take-off area, shall reach the height limit by not exceeding the slope of 1.6% (one point six percent) upward and outward direction starting from the tip of the Main Surfaces at each heights on runway threshold.

For using the land, water or air in any area specified that stipulated in Minister of Transportation Decree No. 11 of 2010, shall comply with the following requirements:

  1. Cause no disruption to the flight navigation sign or radio communication signals between airports and aircraft;
  2. Not distressing the pilot to differentiate air light signs with other lights;
  3. Cause no glares to the pilot eyes that using the airport;
  4. Cause no reduce to the visibility range around the airport;
  5. Cause no occurrence of a bird hazard, or otherwise harm or disrupt the approach, takeoff or movement of the aircraft that intending to use the airport.

Any kind of buildings or objects that is naturally located in KKOP and its height is still within the permissible height limit, but may cause endanger to KKOP, shall be marked and / or installed a light.

Marking or installation of lights, including operation and maintenance, shall be conduct and covered the expenses by the owner or the person in control.

Mahardyan Trymario