
The Province of DKI Jakarta is the one of the biggest city in Indonesia. As the capital city of Indonesia, DKI Jakarta provides various kinds of service to the public. One of its services is related with building development licenses. As an effort of doing servicing, structuring, supervising, and publishing of physical activity and administrative matter of the implementation of building in DKI Jakarta, the Local Government (Pemerintah Daerah) has set out the regulation of building in DKI Jakarta, with the issuance of Local Regulation Number 7 of 1991 (“LR No. 7/1991”).

Along with the times, the Indonesia Government has set out regulation on Building, namely Law Number 28 of 2002 on Building (“Law No. 28/2002“). The enforcement of Law No. 28/2002 causes amendment of LR No. 7/1991. LR No. 7/1991 is amended by the Local Regulation of DKI Jakarta Number 7 of 2010 on Building (“LR No. 7/2010“) which is valid since 5 November 2010.

Classifications of Building

Building function is classified based on:

a. Complexity level, which includes simple building, not simple building, and special building.

b. Permanence level, which includes permanent building, semi permanent building, and emergency or temporary building.

c. fire risk level, which includes building with a high level, medium level, and low level of fire risk.

d. earthquake zoning level which is set forth by the authorized agency.

e. location, which includes buildings in solid location, medium location, and tenuous location.

f. height, which includes high level building, medium level building, and low level building.

g. ownership, which includes state-owned building, business entity building, and individual building.

Right of Land Status

Any person who would construct the building must have a clear status of ownership land. For the building that is constructed on land owned by other parties, they shall obtain Land Utilization Permit (Izin Pemanfaatan Tanah) from the holder of right of land, in the form of a written agreement, containing at least the following:

a. rights and obligations of the parties;

b. area, location and boundary of land;

c. the function of building; and

d. the period of land utilization.

Building Ownership Status

Any person who owns some part of the building or whole building, shall have the evidence of building ownership which is issued by Local Government, except for the special function building by the Government. In order to issue the evidence of building ownership, each building shall have Building Construction License (IMB) and Certificate of Feasible Function (SLF).

In one building, it may be given more than 1 (one) evidence of building ownership. The evidence of building ownership may be owned by different owners and it is able to be transferred to other parties. In the matter of the building owner is not the land owner, the transfer of right shall obtain the approval from the land owner.

Requirement for the Issuance of IMB

Any person who would construct the building shall have IMB. IMB may be issued either in permanent or in temporary period of time and it may be given gradually. In order to obtain the IMB, each person shall submit the written application to the Head Office (Kepala Dinas) by attaching the minimum requirements as follows:

a. the evidence of land ownership status or the evidence of agreement;

b. Land Utilization License from the land owner;

c. identity/data of building owner;

d. technical plan of building, and

e. the result of environmental impact analysis for the building that makes a significant impact to the environment.

IMB is issued with the maximum period of time at least 30 (thirty) days since the approval of technical plan document is granted. The application of IMB that has qualified the administrative and technical requirements is approved and legalized by the Local Government. The Chief of Local Government may suspend the IMB establishment process or refuse the IMB application which does not meet the requirements.

Requirement for the Issuance of SLF

SLF is granted for building which has been completed, meeting the requirements of reliability of building and feasibility function, and the function of its utilization is in accordance with the IMB. SLF may be granted gradually in accordance with work level that has completed based on the written application. The examination of feasibility function of building based on the granted IMB, includes:

a. the compatibility of function;

b. layout of building;;

d. health;

e. comfort, and

f. ease.

Requirement for the Issuance of Evidence of Building Ownership (Bukti Kepemilikan Bangunan Gedung)

In the matter to obtain an evidence of building ownership, each person shall submit the written application to the Chief of Local Government by attaching the administrative requirement, containing at least the following:

a. agreement and/or approval from both parties in the form of a written agreement;

b. IMB;

c. the suitability of actual data (the latest) with data in the document of right of land status, and

d. the suitability of actual data (the latest) with data in the IMB, and/or document of building ownership status that has existed/owned.

For building that has more than 1 (one) evidence of building ownership, the owner shall attach a written agreement containing at least:

a. rights and obligations of the parties;

b. area, location and boundary of land;

c. the function of building; and

d. the period of land utilization.

The evidence of building ownership is issued with the maximum period at least 30 (thirty) days since the application meet the requirement. The validity period of evidence of building ownership is based on the validity period of deed of land and/or written agreement. The application of evidence of building ownership may be deferred or rejected if it does not meet the requirements.

Requirement for the Environmental Impact Assessment

Every building plan which may cause the important environmental impact assessment shall have an environmental impact analysis. The building plan which does not cause the environmental impact shall have document of environmental management effort and environmental monitoring effort or statement of environmental management.

Administrative Sanction

Every building owner, building user, service provider of building construction, building manager who does not fulfill the obligation of function, and/or the requirement, and/or the providence of building, will be imposed administrative sanction that may include:

a. written warning;

b. restriction of construction activity;

c. temporary or permanent termination on the implementation of development;

d. temporary or permanent termination on the building utilization;

e. freezing of IMB;

f. revocation of IMB;

g. freezing of SLF;

h. revocation of SLF;

i. IPTB (Izin Pelaku Teknis Bangunan) freezing;

j. decreasing of IPTB’s level

k. revocation of IPTB;

l. revocation of the approval of discharging technical plan;

m. freezing of the approval of discharging technical plan;

n. fines; or

o. clearance of building order.

The types of sanction are determined by major and minor violations that have been performed.

Criminal Provisions

Every building technical party who violates the obligations, responsibilities, and prohibitions, shall be punished with a maximum criminal confinement of 3 (three) months or a maximum fine of Rp 50,000,000 (fifty million Rupiah).

Any building owner who does not have IMB and SLF as a requirement of the issuance of evidence of building ownership, who is constructing without having the IMB, who does not have SLF when they want to utilize the building, and who does not have the evidence of building ownership, shall be punished with a maximum confinement of 6 (six) months or a maximum fine of Rp 50,000,000 (fifty million Rupiah).


Transitional Provisions

After the LR No. 7/2010 comes into force, then:

a. The license application which is submitted and approved prior to the date of enactment of LR No. 7/2010 and it is still in the settlement process, is processed under the LR No. 7/1991;

b. IMB that has been issued under the LR No. 7/1991 but the related permit has not been issued yet, then the applicable regulation is LR No. 7/1991;

c. the building that has been established, but it has not obtained IMB yet when the LR No. 7/2010 is valid, to apply the IMB it shall obtain the SLF ; and

d. as long as the implementing regulation of LR No. 7/2010 has not been issued yet, then the existing implementation regulation is still valid as long as it is not in contrary to the LR No. 7/2010.

Alsha Alexandra Kartika