Under Article 1 number 6 of Government Regulation Number 24 of 1997 on Land Registration (“GR No. 24/1997“), physical data is the information of location, boundary and area of land and registered condominium unit, including information of building or part of building over it.

Whereas, under Article 1 number 7 of GR No. 24/1997, juridical data is the information of legal status of land and registered condominium unit, its right holder and other rights and other burdens which are burdening the land.

The requirement and procedure to obtain the information of physical data and juridical data is regulated in the Agrarian State Minister Regulation/Head of National Land Agency Number 3 of 1997 on the Implementation Provision of Government Regulation Number 24 of 1997 on Land Registration (“Agrarian State Minister Regulation No. 3/1997“).

Under Article 187 of Agrarian State Minister Regulation No. 3/1997, the information of physical data and juridical data in land registration map, land register, measure letter and land book are open to the public. The requirement to obtain information of physical data and juridical data of land is a written application by mentioning of its need, except the Information Letter of Land Registration (SKPT) which is granted for a certificate’s examination by Land Conveyancing Officer (Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah/ PPAT) does not need a written application. The information may also be granted to the interested parties by visually or in writing. If the information is granted in writing, then it shall be granted in the form of Information Letter of Land Registration (SKPT).

Under Article 191 of Agrarian State Minister Regulation No. 3/1997, the physical data and juridical data which are listed in the name’s list may only be granted to the Government agency which requires for implementing their duty. The procedure of its application is by submitting the application which states the related need. The application is fulfilled after it is approved by the Head of Land Agency.

Alsha Alexandra Kartika