
To support the ease of business for entrepreneurs in trade, the Minister of Trade erases the obligation to renew the trade business license as regulated in the Regulation of Minister of Trade No. 07/M-DAG/PER/2/2017 on Third Amendment of Regulation of Minister of Trade No. 36/M-DAG/PER/9/2007 on Issuance of Trade Business License (“MOT Regulation No. 07/2017”).

Period of Trade Business License

Before the issuance of the MOT Regulation No. 07/2017, the trading company must renew its trade business license every 5 years, and the renewal will be charged with an administration fee.

Starting from 22 February 2017, the trade business license will be valid as long as the trading company conducts its business activities. The trading company therefore does not need to renew its trade business license. The application for obtaining a new trade business license, change or replacement of trade business license due to loss or damage are not subject to administrative fees.

Bryna Budiman