Details of Business and Production Types for Pioneering Industries that can be Granted the Corporate Income-Tax Deduction Facility as well as Guidelines and Procedures For the Granting of Corporate Income-Tax Deductions

Details of Business and Production Types for Pioneering Industries that can be Granted the Corporate Income-Tax Deduction Facility as well as Guidelines and Procedures For the Granting of Corporate Income-Tax Deductions

Background On 30 May 2018, the Capital Investment Coordinating Board issued Regulation of Capital Investment Coordinating Board No. 5 of 2018 on Details of Business and Production Types for Pioneering Industries That Can Be Granted the Corporate Income-Tax Deduction...

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Closed Business Sector (Negative Investment List)

Closed Business Sector (Negative Investment List)

Background One of the government's efforts in improving the flow of investment in Indonesia is by providing flexibility for investors to determine the business sector of investment based on its interest. This triggers a simplification process of rules towards the...

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