
In order to implement certain articles found in the regulations concerning the Management of Household Waste as stipulated in Governmental Regulation Number 81 of 2012, it is essential to impose a new law devised by the Minister. The new Regulation would be called the Regulation of Public Works Ministry 03/PRT/M/2013, or would simply referred by its serial number from a few points here onwards.

There are a number of certain things concerning the implementation of Waste Handling regulations (also known as PSP and would be interchangeably referred as such with “Waste Handling processes” hereafter). It concerns multiple things regarding relevant activities to the handling of various Household Wastes, ranging from planning, devising, operating, monitoring, and evaluating the process. In this context, Household Wastes would be any sorts of waste that are produced or originated from Household everyday activities, excluding faeces. There are other types of wastes that are considered to belong in the Household Waste category, such as the ones resulted from industrial and commercial area. There is also residue in addition to wastes. Unlike waste, residue is a non-processible type of waste. Therefore, it cannot be transformed or recycled into a solid form or another type of material. There are three primary aims behind the stipulation of PSP regulation:

  1. To achieve an effective and efficient implementation of Waste Handling processes by taking environmental factors and conditions into consideration;
  2. To improve the scope that encompasses waste procession services;
  3. To improve the health and living quality of the community’s health as well as the environment itself;
  4. To protect natural resources such as land, air, water from pollutions and to prevent further environmental damages, as well as restoring its quality;
  5. To put into words on how that wastes are also considered a processible resource.

The Planning in General

Managing Waste Handling processes requires an elaborate and careful planning that consists of a primary planning, technical and waste management-related planning, as well as a feasibility research and study.

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The Points as Included in the Master Plan

The preparation conducted to devise a primary planning must follow these numbers of considerations:

  1. Strategy and policy management on the implementation of PSP;
  2. Standard, norm, criteria, and procedure as regulated by the government;
  3. The space layout of an area
  4. Integrated developments of the draining system as well as the drinking water supply of the city.

It is the obligation of the government to conduct a session of orientation on the master planning at least once in a year.


The Feasibility Research and Study

The government and/or private party involved will conduct the study of feasibility before taking action on any form of Waste Handling processes. There are a number of things that the study should be based on:

  1. The primary or master plan as stipulated by the government in accordance to waste handling implementation;
  2. Technical, financial, and economic feasibility;
  3. The study result conducted on environmental, law, social, and institutional aspect of a place.

Technical Planning and the Management of Waste

This step should be conducted and monitored by Municipality/Regency administration. It is comprised of several considerations: 

  1. Service planning for regional level;
  2. The level of service;
  3. Implementation stages; and
  4. The implementation plan of PSP

The Process of Waste Handling

This stage covers sorting out wastes, collecting, transporting, processing, as well as the finishing process.

The process of sorting out waste should be managed by:

  1. Each individual in the location where the waste originated;
  2. Residential, commercial, and/or other similar facilities’ area waste management;
  3. Municipality/regency’s elements of administration.

The process of waste collecting should be managed by:

  1. Residential, commercial, and/or other similar facilities’ area waste management;
  2. The administration of either Regency or Municipality.
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As for the waste transportation, it will be conducted by the administration of Regency or Municipality. The process of waste will take several number of aspects into considerations, such as the waste characteristics, the environmental aspects, the work-code safety, as well as the social elements of the community.

The final processing of the waste should be done using:

–  Controlled land-filling method

–  Sanitary and safe land-filling method

–  Environmentally-friendly technology.

The Regency/Municipality is obliged to operate and participate in the handling of the process.

Establishment of Waste Handling Facilities and the Final Process of Waste

The establishment of waste-handling facilities as well as its final processes will be operated in stages. The first step is the technical planning, before moving onto the construction process, afterwards is the maintenance and operation, and finally the process of monitoring and evaluation. The environmental and social health should be respected on all levels. Therefore, The Research and Development Department of the Ministry of Public work shall investigate and monitor the whole process, as well as developing the proper application of environmentally-friendly technologies to support the whole implementation processes of PSP.

As for the society apparatus, their role should be in decision-making and in the implementation process of PSP. Regency/Municipality might also cooperate with a business sector or private ones in the handling of this matter.

The end of the management process is called the Final Landfill. At this place, the wastes will be processed and afterwards, restored to the media of environment. All forms of household wastes and the other wastes fell into the category might be stored to the Final Landfill until 2025. After the year 2025, only residue is allowed to be discharged there.

Martine Kruitbos