indonesia single window


The government of Indonesia has issued a new regulation named Presidential Regulation Number 44 of 2018 on Indonesia National Single Window. This regulation was promulgated effective from 31 May 2018 (“Perpres No. 44/2018”). Perpres No. 44/2018 revokes Presidential Regulation No. 10 of 2008 on Use of Electronic System on Indonesian National Single Window as lastly amended in 2012 and Presidential Regulation No. 76 of 2015 on Manager of Indonesia National Single Window Portal.

The background of the issuance of Perpres No. 44/2018:

  • To maintain the continuity of the implementation of the Indonesian economy, to be able to compete in the international economy through the integration of data and information.
  • Changes in a global strategic environment that demands increased transparency, consistency, and efficiency of export and/or import processes.


Indonesia National Single Window abbreviated as INSW is a national system integration that enables the submission of single data and information, single and synchronized data and information processing, and granting discretion for customs clearance and excise of goods in accordance with the regulation.

To carry out the INSW, a system was made which can integrate all customs documents, quarantine documents, licensing documents, port/airport documents, and other documents relating to export and/or import shall be submitted by service users to relevant ministries/institutions through SINSW by mechanism of delivery of data and information singly.

To use the INSW service, a website is provided which can be accessed at

National Single Window Institution (“LNSW”) as the Operating Institution

LNSW is established with the task of operating the INSW management and implementing SINSW in handling customs documents, quarantine documents, licensing documents, port/airport documents, and other documents related to export and/or import.

LNSW performs the following functions:

  • Formulation and implementation of guidelines for the Management of INSW and implementation of SINSW.
  • Provision of facilities for submission, processing, and delivery of discretion, in handling the customs documents, quarantine documents, licensing documents, port/airport documents, and other documents related to exports and/or imports activities;
  • Provision of facilities for the delivery, inclusion, and deletion of the commerce regulation of the post border trading at SINSW;
  • Simplification and standardization in INSW related to export and/or import policy;
  • Providing technical support through SINSW in order to enhance the facilities of trading, supervision of cross-goods, and optimization of state revenue, related to export and/or import activities;
  • To manage the information related to regulations as the main in the filing of customs documents related to export and/or import activities;
  • Implementation of data governance and Electronic Information related to export and / or import;
  • Implementation of communication, coordination, and cooperation of National Single Window system in national and international forum;
  • Coordination of task execution, guidance, and provision of administrative and technical support to all organizational elements within the LNSW;
  • Implementation of harmonization and synchronization of business process among ministries/agencies in order to the implementation of INSW; and
  • Implementation of other functions provided by the Minister.

Stanley Patria Armando