
In order to implement the provision of the granting of rights of land in accordance with Law Number 5 of 1960 on Agrarian Principle Regulation (“Law No.5/1960”) and Government Regulation Number 40 of 1996 on Right to Cultivate, Right to Build and Right of Use of Land, the procedure of the revocation of such land rights must also be regulated, which is already set forth in Regulation of Agrarian State Minister/Head of National Land Agency Number 9 of 1999 on Procedure of Granting And Revocation of Rights of State Land and Right of Management (“Regulation”).

Revocation of Rights of Land

Point 1 letter 14 of Regulation states that revocation of land rights means the revocation of the decree of the granting of land rights or land rights certificate (“Granting Decree”) due to the administrative legal error in the issuance of such Granting Decree or in order to implement the court decision which has obtained the permanent legal power.

The revocation includes the revocation of: (a) decree of the granting of land rights; (b) certificate of land rights; and (c) decree of the granting of rights in order to regulate the land acquisition. The revocation of land rights is conducted through the decree of Minister who is responsible in agrarian/land field (“Minister”). Minister may delegate such revocation to the Head of Regional Office of National Land Agency, which is the National Land Agency Office for the provincial level (“Regional Office“) or to the appointed officer.


1. Revocation of land rights due to administrative legal error

According to Article 107 of Regulation, the administrative legal error means (i) procedural errors, (ii) error implementation of laws and regulations, (iii) error of the subject of rights, (iv) error of the object of rights, (v) error of the type of rights, (vi) error of area calculation, (vii) there is overlap of land rights, (viii) juridical or physical data is incorrect, or (ix) other administrative legal errors.

The decree of revocation of land rights due to administrative legal error in its issuance may be conducted due to (i) the application from the party in interest or (ii) the authorized officer without application. The revocation of land rights due to administrative legal error through the application from the party in interest is submitted directly to the Minister or the appointed officer through the Head or Land Office, which is the National Land Agency for the district/city level (“Land Office”). Meanwhile, the revocation of land rights without application by the authorized officer is conducted if it is found that there is legal error in the issuance process of the Granting Decree without an application.

2. Revocation of land rights due to the court’s decision

The decree of the revocation of land rights due to the implementation of court’s decision which has obtained permanent legal power shall be issued through the application of the party in interest, provided that such application is submitted directly to the Minister or Head of Regional Office or through the Land Office.

Procedure of Revocation of Land Rights

There are some processes in the procedure of revocation of land rights, as follows:

1. Land Office

  • The revocation application is submitted in writing to the Minister through the Head of Land Office having the work area within the location of the land concerned, and enclosed with documents, such as: (i) copy of identity card and nationality (if the applicant is individual) or copy of deed of establishment (if the applicant is a legal entity); (ii) copy of the Granting Decree and/or certificate of land concerned; (iii) other documents related to the revocation application.
  • After the application is received, the Head of Land Office shall: (i) inspect and examine the completeness of the juridical and physical data; (ii) record in a form; (iii) provide a receipt of the application; (iv) notify the applicant to complete the juridical and physical data if necessary.

2. Regional Office

  • In the event that the revocation application is delegated to the Head of Regional Office, the Head of Regional Office shall record it in a certain form and inspect and examine the completeness of the juridical and physical data, and if it is not completed yet, shall request the Head of Land Office concerned to complete the documents.
  • In the event that the revocation application is delegated to the Head of Regional Office, the Head of Regional Office issue the decree of revocation of land rights or decree of rejection along with the reason.

3. Minister

  • After receiving the revocation application, the Minister orders the competent officer to inspect and examine the completeness of the juridical and physical data, and if it is not completed yet, shall request the applicant to complete the documents and record it in a certain form.
  • Minister will decide such application by issuing the decree of revocation of land rights or decree of rejection along with the reason.

Isrilitha Pratami Puteri