The Provision on the Use of Letter of Credit For the Export of Specified goods (Regulation of the Director General of International Trade Number 1 Year 2015)

The Provision on the Use of Letter of Credit For the Export of Specified goods (Regulation of the Director General of International Trade Number 1 Year 2015)

Background On March 30, 2015, Director General of International Trade has promulgated a Regulation of the Director General of International Trade Number 01/DAGLU/PER/3/2015, (“RDG Inter-Trade 1/2015”). RDG Inter-Trade 1/2015 intended to give instructions implementing...

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Leks&Co will participate as facilitator in a workshop on Thoroughly Review the Legal Aspect of Real Estate Development by Kontan Academy on 2 December 2015 at Hotel Santika Premiere – Jakarta

Leks&Co will participate as facilitator in a workshop on Thoroughly Review the Legal Aspect of Real Estate Development by Kontan Academy on 2 December 2015 at Hotel Santika Premiere – Jakarta

  WAKTU DAN TEMPAT KEGIATAN Hari/Tanggal: Rabu, 2 Desember 2015 Tempat: Hotel Santika Premiere, Jakarta FASILITATOR Eddy M. Leks, S.H., M.H., MCIArb (Managing Partner of Leks&Co Lawyer) INVESTASI Rp. 2.500.000 Rp. 2.300.000* (*3 orang atau lebih dari...

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