Details of Business and Production Types for Pioneering Industries that can be Granted the Corporate Income-Tax Deduction Facility as well as Guidelines and Procedures For the Granting of Corporate Income-Tax Deductions

Details of Business and Production Types for Pioneering Industries that can be Granted the Corporate Income-Tax Deduction Facility as well as Guidelines and Procedures For the Granting of Corporate Income-Tax Deductions

Background On 30 May 2018, the Capital Investment Coordinating Board issued Regulation of Capital Investment Coordinating Board No. 5 of 2018 on Details of Business and Production Types for Pioneering Industries That Can Be Granted the Corporate Income-Tax Deduction...

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Amendment of Government Regulation on Income Tax Facilities on Capital Investment of Particular Business Fields and/or in Particular Regions

Amendment of Government Regulation on Income Tax Facilities on Capital Investment of Particular Business Fields and/or in Particular Regions

Background On 22 April 2016, Government of the Republic of Indonesia has Government Regulation Number 9 of 2016 on Amendment of Government Regulation Number 18 of 2015 on Income Tax Facilities on Capital Investment of Particular Business Fields and/or in Particular...

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Indonesia Investment – Guideline and Procedure for Controlling Capital Investment Operation

Indonesia Investment – Guideline and Procedure for Controlling Capital Investment Operation

Background Head of Capital Investment Coordinating Board of Indonesia has issued the Regulation Number 17 of 2015 on the Guideline and Procedure for Controlling Capital Investment Operation (“PERKA BKPM 17/2015”), which became effective on 8 October 2015. This PERKA...

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